Living in the mountains for a month

An Escape Route To Solitude

Life is so predictable at times. The usual humdrum of activities, be it the regular daily chores or the routine professional lives. There comes a stage, where we begin to take everything for granted. We work towards creating that one routine in life, and never realise when that routine has become life.

Change then becomes something very unheard of. Accepting it becomes even tougher. But believe me; life is all about the dynamics of change. Anyone who embraces this with open arms is sure to come out victorious in life.

An Australian Aboriginal proverb reads:

“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home.”

This proverb speaks of ancient timeless wisdom that calls for self-introspection.

Understanding the real meaning of our journey in life takes us through many paths. It is a different calling for each individual.

For me, it is all about the solitude that I crave for when I need to mentally unclog myself. Away from the mundane world, somewhere far away but connected to nature is my escape route to solitude. A life in the mountains for a month is my calling. Of course, there are doubts and bouts of loneliness. But isn’t it the challenge that I am overcoming in life?

The first few days are the hardest. But, once I settles into a routine, it’s easy to forget that I live in a city, with a demanding job and even more demanding deadlines. As the days pass, I feel an acute sense of serenity overcome me. An intensely strong sense of belongingness that I begin to experience. It is a matter of surviving the toughest odds out here.

Living in the mountains has taught me that it isn’t always about winning the race, but living in the moment. You never know what lesson you might miss out on if you’re too busy looking forward instead of looking around you.